The Wearable Task Assistant enhances the efficiency of your picking process by guiding the operator through each task.

This portable device makes the picking process even more efficient. Featuring a hands-free scanner, pick-and-place support and a color-coded wrist display, it reduces errors and enhances the overall quality of the picking operation.

Features & Benefits

  • High Picking Accuracy

    Error notification and input confirmation

  • Minimum Walking

    Picking a larger quantity of an item for multiple orders at once.

  • Low Mental Workload

    Guiding the operator by displaying pick and put information.

High Picking Accuracy

Error notification and input confirmation

Minimum Walking

Picking a larger quantity of an item for multiple orders at once.

Low Mental Workload

Guiding the operator by displaying pick and put information.


Contact us to talk about the Wearable Task Assistant

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How does the Wearable Task Assistant work?

Maximize Picking Performance

The Wearable Task Assistant is an advanced technology designed to improve both picking performance and operator ergonomics. This innovative device increases picking accuracy and minimizes walking distances, making operations more efficient.

The Wearable Task Assistant provides step-by-step guidance throughout the picking process with an E-Ink display that fits comfortably on the operator's wrist. It displays all essential information, such as trolley details, quantities and put locations, while validating each step with a built-in scanner. Having all the information at your fingertips also minimizes operator mental stress. If a mistake is made, the device provides immediate feedback to ensure accuracy.

When used in conjunction with the Kardex Color Pick System, the Wearable Task Assistant enables combi picking, allowing the operator to pick larger quantities of a single item for multiple orders at once. This significantly speeds up order fulfillment and reduces walking distances, optimizing overall efficiency.

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