Your warehouse generates valuable data and Kardex Analytics helps you make good use of it. Get real-time monitoring, automated reports, and historical analytics to improve efficiency, balance machine loads, plan for peak demand, and optimize storage space. Eliminate manual reporting and make smarter decisions, faster​.

By integrating with the Kardex Power Pick System, Kardex Analytics eliminates manual reporting and enables data-driven decision-making. Track order fulfillment times, machine utilization rates, and inventory turnover trends to optimize picking performance, prevent bottlenecks, and reduce stockouts. Gain real-time visibility into warehouse activity and receive proactive alerts to minimize downtime and improve productivity.

Features & Benefits

  • Kardex_Icon_Speed-01_Bubble-1

    Real-Time Data

    Track warehouse operations and key performance indicators as they happen

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    Automated Reporting

    Generate seamless reports with up-to-date insights delivered directly to your inbox​

  • Kardex_Icon_Diagramm

    Historical Data Analysis

    Evaluate past performance trends to optimize workflows and forecast demand​

  • Kardex_Icon_Higher_Picking_Performance

    Performance Optimization

    Identify bottlenecks, improve staff scheduling, and enhance machine balancing​

  • Kardex_Icon_Date_Bubble

    Smart Order Forecasting

    Use data-driven insights to anticipate demand and align inventory levels

  • Kardex_Icon_Storage

    Enhanced Storage Usage

    Optimize space, adjust storage zones, and place high-turnover items efficiently​


Real-Time Data

Track warehouse operations and key performance indicators as they happen


Automated Reporting

Generate seamless reports with up-to-date insights delivered directly to your inbox​


Historical Data Analysis

Evaluate past performance trends to optimize workflows and forecast demand​


Performance Optimization

Identify bottlenecks, improve staff scheduling, and enhance machine balancing​


Smart Order Forecasting

Use data-driven insights to anticipate demand and align inventory levels


Enhanced Storage Usage

Optimize space, adjust storage zones, and place high-turnover items efficiently​

Contact us to understand how Kardex Analytics can help you


How Kardex Analytics Works

Kardex Analytics integrates seamlessly with the Kardex Power Pick System, providing an intuitive dashboard with powerful visualization tools. If you have our Kardex Power Pick System, you can subscribe to Kardex Analytics as an add-on paid on an annual subscription basis.

Kardex Analytics users can:

  • Filter Data by Time Period
    View data from the last hour all the way back to the past five years​.
  • Customize Insights
    Analyze master orders, order lines, picks, and puts with multiple ways to slice and dice data and view data across multiple storage locations.
  • Export Reports
    Download detailed CSV reports for further analysis​ and sharing.

With Kardex Analytics, warehouse managers gain the clarity they need to improve operations without delays.

Curious about how Kardex can fulfill your specific needs?


More Solutions from Kardex

Kardex Power Pick System

Kardex Power Pick System

The Kardex Power Pick System is a flexible software solution designed for ASRS. It supports a variety of smart picking strategies optimizing both dynamic and static storage systems. The fully integrated solution reduces order-picking time, unlocks valuable warehouse resources, and increases productivity. 

Kardex Connect

Kardex Connect

Keep your warehouse running seamlessly with Kardex Connect. This Industrial Internet of Things platform provides real-time machine condition monitoring and remote support, including automated service requests and remote fixes, to ensure uninterrupted machine performance.

Master Fast Order Fulfillment

Explore how Kardex solutions can drive efficiency and meet the demands of fast-changing warehouse operations.
